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Saturday, December 8, 2012

2 Generating Traffic to Blogs Through High Value Backlinks

By Julie P Birkwood 

Maintaining a constant stream of unique visitors to your site is essential to grow your site. Visitors and traffic are the lifeblood of a site generating both sales and revenue through ads. As a blog owner, one of the best ways to direct traffic to your blog is through high value backlinks. If you are interested in generating traffic to your blog through high value backlinks, be sure to check out this article.
What is a high value backlink?

A backlink is basically a link from another site to your site. Many search engines favor sites with lots of other sites linking to them. There are several factors that determine the power and value of backlink. As a website owner, you want backlinks that are considered "dofollow". "Nofollow" backlinks are not bad, but dofollow backlinks add a lot more power to your site.

Secondly, you want one way links. These are links directly from one site to your site. You don't link back to them. These are also more valuable than other links.

Finally, you want to look at the Pagerank of the linking website. A site pagerank is designated by Google. A link with a PR of say 5-4 has much more power than a link from a site with a PR of 2-3.

High value backlinks can generate traffic through two main ways.

Firstly, high value backlinks can generate organic traffic to your site. If a site with a large volume of traffic links to your site on its homepage, there is a good chance that many of the site's visitors will click on the link. This generates visitors through the link. This is even better if the linking website or blog has a similar target audience to your blog. This means that you get targeted traffic to your blog which usually results in more comments, more subscribers, more returning visitors, and more revenue. Receiving backlinks on social media sites can also be rewarding if you post your content on social media sites. If your link is upvoted by the community, you can receive thousands of visitors to your site in less than an hour or two.

0 Building Backlinks Through Articles, Directories, and Social Bookmarking

By Marc Eabharoid

If you've been in the webmaster business for very long, you know that backlinks are vital to your success. Many people struggle with this, because they have nearly no short-term payoff. Sometimes, it can take a month for new backlinks to start to positively influence your traffic or earnings. If you can muster up the patience and put the work into it now, though, you'll be thanking yourself later - and your bank account will be thanking you, as well. The question that many people get stuck on, though, is this: "How do I go about getting backlinks?" It is possible to go to link brokerage services, but those can be expensive and run up costs very quickly. If you want something cost effective, there are three solid options for you to choose from.

One popular option is Article submission. There are two ways to build up backlinks with this tactic. First, you may pepper links to your own websites within the articles you write, since many article directories allow links to be submitted within the submissions. Secondly, each article will have a link pointing to your site at the bottom of the submission, in order to show who the original author of the article is. These links are especially effective because many people will use articles from these directories on their own sites. Whenever your article is used on someone else's site, you gain even more backlinks. This means that the return you get is nearly perpetual!

second option is to submit your website to website directories. These websites include a link to your site as well as a short description. These links are especially effective if you submit your website to many directories within a short period of time (say, a month or two), assuming that all of the directories are relevant to the content on your website.

Last, but definitely not least, is the option of social bookmarking. Sites like Digg, Mixx, and etc. are perfect for building backlinks. Each page that you submit will get you a permanent backlink - and these are especially powerful in the eyes of the search engines because most social bookmarking websites are listed as "authority" websites. And as the name would imply, a link from an authority website is very effective in boosting your results in the search engines. As with article submissions, an effectively perpetual return comes from social bookmarking. If your content is interesting to those who pass by, chances are that they will "vote it up", meaning that more people will be likely to visit your website. Especially interesting content usually ends up being blogged about or shared on people's homepages - meaning even more free links for you.

Don't feel like you need to choose one of these three tactics. The best thing to do is to do all three of them in tandem! By diversifying the source of your backlinks, your website will become even more trusted in the eyes of the search engines. Once you've got the trust of the search engines, it is much easier for your website to climb up and attain a more visible placement in the search results.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

6 How to Build Quality Backlinks With Blogs

By Doug McCoy 

If you have a website of any type, I am sure you have heard of the importance of backlinks in regards to SEO, (search engine optimization), or in layman's terms, getting organic, (free), traffic from search engines. What is sometimes overlooked is the importance of these being quality backlinks, meaning they relate to the content of your own site.

What we are going to discuss here is:

* First, what is a backlink

* Second,what gives a backlink "quality"

* Third, why are blogs good for backlinking

* Fourth, using comments on blogs for backlinks

* Fifth, the importance of relevant comments

A backlink occurs when the address of your website, i.e. your link, is placed on another site, whether one of yours or someone else's. When a search engines robot visits the other site, it will pick up your link, and follow to your site. This process helps alert the search engine of the existence of your site and increases the chances of your site being found in a search, bringing free, organic traffic to your site.

A backlink will be considered to have quality if the subject of the host site is related to the subject of your site in some meaningful way. For example, if the subject of your site is sports equipment, and you put your link on a site discussing physics, it would not be relevant. However if you put your link on the fan site of a sports team, you would have a very relevant backlink.

Blogs are a great place to include a backlink to your site. Why? Because most blogs are being updated on a consistent basis, they usually contain original content, and these are two things search engines, particularly GOOGLE, love and will seek out with their robots. Most blogs, especially those using WordPress are pinged, (notice of new content sent to search engines), the moment they post a new blog entry. Therefore, placing your backlink on a blog gives you a very good chance of being noticed on a consistent basis.

Comments are the method of choice for placing your backlink on a blog. Some blogs have link pages, some have blog rolls, or other methods of formal link sharing, but almost all of them allow comments on blog posts. Why? Because comments create more original content for their blog, which helps the blog with search engines, (see comment on GOOGLE above). When you leave a comment, you are usually asked to enter your name, email, and are offered the opportunity to place your web address as well, how nice.

Now please, understand, not just any comment will do. On most blogs, certainly on mine, comments must be approved by the blog admin before they get posted on the blog. Most comments will not be approved, trust me on this, unless they are relevant to the blog post you are commenting on. The rule here is quite simple, leave a quality comment, and you will get a quality backlink.

Let me put this in a nutshell for you. If your desire is to create free organic traffic from search engines through the use of backlinks: find blogs that are relevant to your site; find a blog post that interests you; make an interesting or informative comment,(do not say buy this or go here, very bad); repeat this process on different blogs as often as possible.

There are programs to help you find relevant blogs to post on, and these work great, but stay away from auto-comments as these will not work on any quality blog site.

Find relevant blogs, leave relevant comments, and start building quality backlinks to your websites.

0 Article Marketing - Build Quality Natural Backlinks

By Will W Davies 

Article marketing is great for building traffic to any website but it is also great for SEO. SEO is search engine optimization, which is a key step in building your websites rank in Google. Having a high-ranking blog in Google does wonders for your blog traffic. I am going to go over some keys to writing good articles and creating good backlinks. Articles are great for generating backlinks because they appear natural to search engines so you build your rank very easily.

When writing articles you want to keep in mind that quality content is the key to a good article. If you offer crap no one will want to click through to your link at the end of your article. The better the quality of your article the more traffic you will drive it is that simple. Put a link to your website in at the end of your article this will provide your backlink.

Now it is time to submit your article to directories. Submit your article to as many directories as you can keep in mind that you don't want to do this too fast. Some article directories will not publish your article if they find it somewhere else on the internet so be careful of this. There are many paid services that submit your article all over the internet with the click of the button. Make sure you read through third party reviews of this before you buy in to one of these.

One of the best ways to get your articles picked up by the search engines quickly is to social bookmark your articles. This is great to get your backlinks recognized by Google very quickly. You could use a bookmarking service or do it by hand which takes a lot more time but still works quite well.

Follow these techniques and you should have some quality natural backlinks in no time. This is not that hard it is just a bit time consuming. To make the whole process go faster do not be afraid to outsource the whole process. You can do this through a site like or It is very safe and easy to do plus you will save a bunch of time. Now it is time to get out there and take action. Don't wait around and waste time. These techniques work you just have to be dedicated enough to put it in to action. Don't wait get in to action now. Good Luck!

Want to build more traffic for free? Learn my favorite traffic building technique. I've used this technique to get 2309 visitors with 10 minutes of work. Get my free video course explaining this technique for a limited time.

1 Backlink Building Basics for the New Website Owner

By Ezra I Baraka

Now that you have your website built, you'll soon discover that the biggest challenge of owning a website is getting traffic to it. The kind of traffic I am talking about is internet traffic resulting from searches that are relevant to your content. One of the strategies for building traffic to your website involves something called backlinking. In fact, backlink building is one of the major tasks you'll be needing to either do yourself, or pay for a service that does it for you.

What exactly is backlink building?

Backlink building is the process of getting hyper-linked text pointing back to pages on your website. A hyperlink can be a straight forward URL or an HTML hyper link that uses certain words to link back to another site, such as search engine. A back link is rather obvious on most pages because it is usually hi-lighted in another color, and some are underlined as well. Surely you've seen and used them many times before, but those links are the types of backlinks you will be building for your website.
Why do you need to do backlink building?

Backlink building is critically important for your website because search engines monitor and use the number of backlinks to your website as a major influence as to how high they are going to place your website in the search results. If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense because if other websites are referring to content on your website using links, then your website is likely to be more relevant than your competition. The key here is to have more backlinks than your competition, and more backlinks that contain relevant search terms.

How do you do backlink building?

There are many types of backlinks that originate from different types of websites on the internet. When backlink building you should always be looking to take a varied approach so as to make your backlinks look natural to the search engines. What this means is that you will approaching other websites, forums, blogs, social media and any other type of web property that allows HTML. There are several common ways to create a link for your website.

1- Create comments on other blog posts around the internet. The blog should have a good PR rank and allow comments. You need to make legitimate, useful, and thoughtful comments so as not to get your post deleted from the blog. At the end of your comment create a backlink for your website as part of your signature.

2- Join a forum and start being an active member. In your profile signature, create a backlink to your website. Forum posting is a big part of backlink building because forums get crawled by the search engines often. That's a good thing for you.

3- Create social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Add backlinks to all of your profiles, and then comment and connect as much as you can with content that is relevant to your website.

4- Create an account at Yahoo so you can participate in Yahoo Answers. This is an excellent venue to not only do a lot of backlink building, but also answer questions associated with your niche. Those answers have a good chance of getting ranked high and can provide traffic to your website directly.

These are just some basic backlink building tactics to get you started on building search engine traffic back to your website.

1 2 Easy Steps to Build Quality Backlinks For Your Website

By Nhan Do 

Building links which are linked back to your site is the most importance thing on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). But most of people is wasting their time walking on wrong way which does not bring them any effect to promote their website, blog, product...

I will give only 2 steps to building a strong and quality backlinks for your SEO purpose.

The first thing you must know is "What are backlinks?":

It very simple, backlinks are the links that link to your website from other website. But the true backlink must not have rel="no follow".Most blogging platforms: WordPress, Blogger, Typepad, etc inserting this by default. So we cant make comment thousand of blog and go to rank 1 in Google.

Many webmasters don't link this part so they make the link on comment "dofollow" to encourage people who visit their blog make comment. The links we want must be a "dofollow" links.We must find "dofollow" blog to make comment not any blog. Making comment on "nofollow" blog is also give you're a little traffic but it s very poor.Save your time to find high rank "dofollow" blog and when our website have high ranking we ll get a great traffic from Search Engines.

The second thing you must know: "What are quality backlinks?":

Quality backlinks is the backlink from webpage (not website) which have a high pagerank. Many people make a huge mistake while trying to comment or spam as many website, blog which have high pagerank as they can. This is not help you to promote your business because the page that you include your link must have high pagerank but the domain itself only.

So how to find the pagerank of webpage: Install SEO Quake plugin for Firefox. It provides an seo bar with various information about the sites which we visit and also in Google search result page. It is also help you realize which links are "nofollow" or "dofollow" without viewing the source of the page.

After through 2 basic knowledge we start to build our backlink:

First step:

We must find "dofollow" blogs which have high rankings. There are many "dofollow" directories and lists of these kinds. Some of them don't give right information but we have SEO Quake to check them again.
Try to choose high pagerank blogs because high pagerank blog usually have high rank pages.

Second step:

- Find all the page of that blog by Google

- Pick the pages which have high rank. Older posts usually have high pagerank than newer. A page need a plenty time and backlinks to have high rank.

Go that post make a relevant comment, don't spam or your comment is not validated by the owner of that blog. If you like comment on the new post, maybe you ll get luck if that post get high rank in the future. But we do business on today so give it a try tomorrow.

Keep trying 2 steps once more and more to get a strong linkback system. Go for only high pageranks blog, backlink is not about quantity but the quality.

0 Effective Backlink Building Methods

By Mark Lennis

The main factor to internet marketing is the links which point back to your website, which is called back links. Backlink building is definitely the most crucial job you perform as being an online marketer. There are various techniques for getting these types of back links. An excellent approach consists of several types. Here are a few of the most popular that you may use to build your backlinks.

1. Comments - The majority of blogs allow you to comment on the content articles by leaving a hyperlink back to your website after you accomplish that. The important thing is to actually enhance the discussion. Many blogs moderate comments, so general or spammy comments will not likely get accepted, and this can do you no good. Make sure that you have got something informative to express.

2. Forums - This is much like leaving comments to blogs. You create a user profile on the forum together with your link, after that include your link in your signature. Whenever you make a post, your link appears.

3. Content Posting - Whenever you post content articles, videos, as well as some other information online, you'll be able to leave a link back to your website as being a resource. As those content sites have gotten high authority, these types of backlinks can certainly assist your website's rankings a lot. Remember, ensure your written content is useful without spammy. This can also aid you be viewed as being an expert by your visitors.

4. Link Web directories - Websites can be found online, which list links and internet sites. Submitting your website to that kind of directories can assist with backlink building. This is most effective when you combine it with various other strategies.

Here are a few tips on Backlink Building:

- Don't forget to ping your backlinks whenever you create them. This can help search engines like Google to locate you.

- When performing backlink building tasks, do not spam.

- Add to the discussion, and you'll be rewarded.

It really is a never ending game for everyone who builds SEO Backlinks. At this moment, you may have learned that you require backlinks to further improve your positioning in the major search engines. - Google, Yahoo or Bing. Your backlink building is exactly what matters. For that reason, you have to take action now and start building good quality backlinks to your website.

0 The Importance of Backlink Building for SEO

By Teresa A Douglas 

Backlink building is essential for your online business. From commenting on blogs to exchanging links and posting on forums, there are many ways to get quality backlinks to your website or blog. Inbound links are a key component in the way search engines value a website. Search engines use the number of links that a website has as one of the main factors for determining a website's popularity. Getting relevant backlinks should be a priority in your search engine optimization strategy.

Search Engine Rankings

Backlinks are the building blocks to good SEO. Google gives more credit to websites or blogs that have a large number of quality backlinks. A quality backlink is one that links back to your website with the keywords that you are optimizing for.

It is not enough to have a high number of backlinks; they need to be quality links. Search engine spiders use more than 200 quality indicators to determine whether or not a blog is good enough to be displayed in search results.

Building backlinks is a slow and tedious process. However, it is well worth the effort since the quality of backlinks can determine the success of a website.

Backlink Strategies That Work

Quality backlinks play a key role in getting high page rank. Many bloggers exchange links via blogroll, leave comments on other websites, and promote articles on social networking sites. Google prefers natural links coming from website with relevant content. If you have a fashion blog and you get inbound links from a finance website, then this would not be considered as a quality backlink.

It is important to get relevant backlinks from established websites with high page rank. Find out what websites your competitors are getting backlinks from and try to create backlinks from those pages. If you write a new blog post, link back to previously published articles. Inbound links located within the content of a web page provide more value to the target page than those located in the footer or sidebar.

Post relevant comments on forums and blogs. Make sure you include a link back to your website. Commenting on blogs with relevant content can help you get quality backlinks and drive traffic to your website. If you have a website that you are trying to rank for certain keywords, you should keep these things in mind. A successful link building campaign will help you gain more customers and improve your rankings.

0 How to Build Quality Backlinks - Essential to Mass Traffic

By Jack S Black 

The idea behind backlinks is that if your site is providing quality information, then other sites will link to yours, thus increasing your popularity and ranking among the search engines, particularly Google, thus boosting your traffic.

There is more to building backlinks than just spamming your URL across the internet. Google compares titles and keywords and content of sites that contain your URL, if they seem irrelevant then Google will give very little consideration to that backlink. On the other hand the more relevant it deems each site, the stronger the backlink becomes. Another consideration is the popularity of the site containing your URL, if the site is not popular at all, the backlink won't do much at all. On the other hand the more popular it is, the stronger your backlink is. Relevance and popularity combined form a very strong backlink, and the more backlinks you get the more popular your site becomes and the higher you show up in the search results. Backlinks are said to be the prime factor in how Google determines the placement of your site, so you should not ignore them.

Method 1: The natural way. I'm sure you've heard it before, but have useful quality content on your site, that way people will link to it naturally. But of course this helps none if you're a beginner or your site has no popularity at all yet. It won't just take off on its own of course, but this is a very powerful method later on once your better established.

Method 2: Site Directories. DMOZ and Yahoo Directory are the most popular and form the strongest backlinks. If you want to get known on the web it is essential that you register with both directories. Just Google DMOZ and Yahoo Directory they'll be the first results. Getting registered with these directories takes time, months, but it's free worth it.

Method 3: Forum and Blog comments. Perhaps you know of a forum or blog that has the same general category as yours. Put your blog in your forum signature and respond to a couple posts in those forums. For blogs, just post a comment on the most popular ones and somehow include your URL. Google indexes forums and blog comments, so these backlinks are valuable as long as the forum or blog you posted in is relevant and popular.

Method 4: Articles. There are article directories all over the internet. The 3 most popular are,, and They have 8'000'000, 1'300'00, and 800'000 views respectively this month alone. Basically what you do, is register at each, write an article that has something to do with the same category as your website or blog, this can be a review, or whatever. Just make sure your reader will find it interesting, that's the most important part. Once done, you will usually see some sort of "resource box" where you can leave a link to your website or blog, you should include some incentive at the end of the article to go there, or at least let the reader know it exists. This is a very powerful method to build traffic and backlinks. Even a very poor article will get a minimum of 30 hits in a week, and each article is another backlink to your site. A well Search Engine Optimized article with a well chosen niche can get hundreds of views a day, with over 40% click through rate.

The power of building backlinks should not be ignored. If you ignore it, you ignore it at your own peril. Backlinks are one of the most important factors in long-term permanent traffic, perhaps the most important. Combined with the other aspects such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) you can have a very popular, and profitable site.

To learn more about backlinks and how to monetize your website or blog for free, visit my site below for free how-to guides and resources you will need to start out.

0 Backlink Building: How to Do Quality Backlinks

By Zack Han

Building Quality Backlinks is very crucial if you need to be successful in SEO. However, many people do not understand how to do this perfectly. Unlike one page content optimization which appears easy since you have all the decisions on your fingertips, backlinking will require you to rely on other people's work. This is because the backlinks will usually be on another page and direct traffic to your page. This simply means that you will not be in total control of the entire process.

The main idea behind having backlinks in a page rank algorithm is to make people linking to your webpage. You will thus be required to have a good webpage so that people can link it and thus create more backlinks.

The main secret of backlinking is to ensure that your webpage contains quality and relevant materials. The content should be easy to understand to the reader and you should ensure that you focus on the main points. This is because the visitors usually spend less time on a single page and the time should be utilized wisely. Remember to target sites that have similar information as yours since this are the most valuable backlinks and especially in cases where the anchor text has your keywords. However, you will need to strive extra hard and get additional quality backlinks. Among the many recognized ways of doing this is to get your webpage listed in the directories.

To be successful, you will need to identify the right place to get quality backlinks. You can opt to use a backlink builder tool which will ease up the entire process. This tool will automatically provide you with a list of various available sites where you will need to post your article.

Ensure that you get listed in top directories like Yahoo and Google. This is because they have many visitors and thus they guarantee quality backlinks. No matter how many months you will need to wait, you will eventually get noticed by top search engines and their visitors too.

Another important tip is to make forum and blog postings. If your post is relevant, you will receive valuable backlinks from a respected blog. Posting of articles to directories can be tiresome. However, it will be worth in the long run since the total number of visitors will


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